At Tutoriffic, our most important asset is our relationship with you.
Tutoriffic is committed to maintaining confidentiality, integrity, and security of any personal information about our users.

1. Your information is secure. 

We do not and will not sell or rent or otherwise share your personal information with anyone, for any reason, at any time. We limit information collection only to what is required to deliver our service. Tutoriffic uses your personal information only as follows:

2. We limit the collection and use of personal information

Most areas and features of Tutoriffic.com are available to you without registration or the need to provide us any information. However, other features of the Site or the Service may require basic sign up information, which involves providing Tutoriffic with an email address.
From time to time we may request other personal information to provide you with other benefits of the Service. In all such instances, you will be given the opportunity to provide or to decline to provide that information, and it will be used only for the stated purpose.

3. Contact us if you have any questions or concerns

If you have questions, comments, concerns or feedback regarding this Privacy and Security Policy or any other privacy or security concern, send an e-mail to security@tutoriffic.com

Tutoriffic Inc.